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한서대학교 레저해양스포츠학과
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홈 커뮤니티 자료실


2014-2학기 외국학자 초청 세미나

  • 작성자지용석
  • 작성일2015-07-06
  • 조회수140

Dr. Zeevi Dvir has graduated from Strathclyde University in Glasgow with a PhD in BioEngineering. He also holds a bachelor in law (LLB) from Tel Aviv University. Dr. Dvir is Professor at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University and is also adjunct Professor at the Biomechanics and Ergonomics Lab, Queen’s University, Canada.


Prof. Dvir has published about 110 scientific papers in peer review journals, most of which relate to muscle dynamometry in healthy subjects as well as patients his main area of research. He is also the author of the book: "Isokinetics: Muscle Testing, Interpretation and Clinical Applications", published in two editions (1995 and 2004) by Churchill Livingstone, UK as well as the editor of the book "Clinical Biomechanics", published by Harcourt.


Currently he is the editor in chief of the journal "Isokinetics and Exercise Science", Deputy editor in chief of the journal "Clinical Biomechanics" and is also editorial board member of another 5 international journals including the "Korean Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation".